Scare birds away with fake predators, terror eye balloons, and crackling holographic tape. Visual scare devices work by mimicking birds' predators and making areas they frequent seem unsafe. Devices include fake coyotes, fake owls, floating alligator heads, balloons painted with predator eyes, holographic tape, and strobe lights.
Frighten Birds Away
When birds see a predator in your garden or on your property, they do not want to be in the vicinity. Visual scare devices work well in gardens, on porches, near homes, and in backyards. They are a good solution for small bird problems and increase in effectiveness when combined with other devices.

Easy Installation
Visual scare devices are easy to install. Buy a fake predator or terror eye balloon, place it on your property, and start scaring birds away. Most scare devices work best when moved often so that birds do not get used to them. They are among the simplest bird control methods to set up and install.