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  • Super Bird ExpellerPro
  • Super Bird ExpellerPro
  • Super Bird ExpellerPro

Super Bird ExpellerPro


Repel birds from your property naturally with a sound machine that emits the sounds of bird species warning signs and the sounds of predators. Birds hear these noises and leave the area due to the danger these sounds represent for them. This unit is an upgraded form of the BirdXPeller PRO and can deter birds from a distance of up to 6 acres away (an increase from the BirdXPeller Pro's 1 acre range). Three different versions of this unit are available. Version 1 repels common pest birds like pigeons, starlings, sparrows and gulls. Version 2 repels birds that commonly eat agriculture like crows, blackbirds, grackles, and ravens. Version WP is specifically designed for woodpeckers. Each version comes with 4 speakers and a control unit.


  • Deters pest birds using the sounds of nature
  • Repels birds throughout up to 6 acres
  • Stop birds without traps or chemicals
  • Comes with 4 speakers and a control unit
  • 30-Day Performance Satisfaction Guarantee


  • This long-range unit covers up to 6 acres and works for a variety of species of pest birds. It is fully programmable in terms of the sounds used, volume, and the intervals between sounds. The Super BirdXPeller PRO is weather resistant and endures all weather conditions. Four speakers are included and each speaker comes with enough wire to position in any environment. With its 6 acre coverage this unit is a great choice for retail stores, residential spaces, and agricultural operations.


    • Deters birds within a range of 6 acres
    • Reduces corrosive bird droppings
    • Low visibility impact and does not harm the birds
    • Easy installation
    • Programmable with sound, volume, and timing options
    • Comes in 3 varieties: pest birds, agriculture, and woodpeckers
  • GUARANTEE WARRANTY: 30-Day Performance Satisfaction Guarantee, 6 Month Manufacturer’s Warranty

    PROTECTION COVERAGE: Up to 6 acres

    DIMENSIONS: Control unit 9” x 9” x 5.25”, speakers 4” x 4” x 6” with 100 ft. of cable per speaker

    POWER CORD LENGTH: 110V cord is 50 ft. / 220V and 240V cords are 6 ft.

    SOUND PRESSURE: 105–110 db at 1 meter


    VOLTAGE OPTIONS: 110V (International voltage options available on request)

    BOX DIMENSIONS: 19″ x 13″ x 7″

    SHIPPING WEIGHT: 12 lbs.

    COMPLIANCE: Supply power source is UL and CE listed

    EPA EST: 075130-OR0001

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